Joy Behar, co-host of The View, shared her sorrow on Thursday about President Joe Biden’s upcoming departure from the White House. Following Biden’s farewell address, Behar expressed how much she already misses him.
“I miss him. He’s a good person who spent 50 years caring about the country,” Behar said.
Comparing Biden to incoming President-elect Donald Trump, she added, “This other one spent 50 years scamming everyone and trying to stay out of jail. I really miss Biden. I felt safe with him, like I didn’t have to worry something was going to blow up.”
Behar voiced her concerns about Trump’s presidency, saying, “Every day I wake up and worry, what is this guy going to do next?”
Biden’s farewell address, delivered Wednesday, warned against the dangers of oligarchy. He cautioned Americans about the growing concentration of power among the ultra-wealthy, stating, “That’s a dangerous concentration of power in the hands of very few people. The dangerous consequences of their abuse of power, if left unchecked, should deeply concern us all.”
The address received widespread praise from liberal media outlets. MSNBC host Rachel Maddow described it as “stark and sober,” particularly focusing on Biden’s warnings about the threat of tech oligarchies and free press issues. “It put a chill down my spine,” Maddow said.
Behar, a staunch Biden supporter and vocal critic of Trump, also criticized country music star Carrie Underwood earlier this week for agreeing to perform at Trump’s inauguration.
“How do you love your country and support someone who, in my opinion, wants to destroy it? I don’t understand,” Behar said.
While she acknowledged Underwood’s right to make her decision, Behar emphasized she would never personally perform at Trump’s inauguration. “No one’s asked me, but that’s another story,” she quipped.
With Biden set to leave office and Trump poised to take over, Behar’s comments highlight the divide between those who feel comforted by Biden’s leadership and those wary of Trump’s return.