Hudson Meek, the 16-year-old actor known for his role in Baby Driver, tragically passed away following a devastating accident last week in Vestavia Hills, Alabama. According to CNN affiliate WVTM, Meek fell from a moving vehicle on December 19 and suffered severe blunt force trauma.
He was rushed to the University of Alabama at Birmingham Hospital, where he succumbed to his injuries two days later, on December 21, as confirmed by the Jefferson County Coroner’s office.
Details surrounding the accident remain unclear, and the Vestavia Hills Police Department is currently investigating the circumstances. No additional information has been released at this time, but the loss has left a deep void for his family, friends, and fans.
In a heartfelt statement posted on Meek’s Instagram account, his family shared their grief and admiration for the young actor, writing, “His 16 years on this earth were far too short, but he accomplished so much and significantly impacted everyone he met.”
Hudson Meek began his career in entertainment at a young age, quickly establishing himself as a talented and versatile actor. He is best remembered for playing the younger version of Ansel Elgort’s character, Baby, in the critically acclaimed 2017 film Baby Driver.
In addition to his breakout role, Meek voiced the lead character in the children’s animated series Badanamu Stories, a show aimed at preschoolers exploring themes relevant to their age group. His acting credits also included appearances in NBC’s Found, The CW’s Legacies, and the recently released thriller The School Duel.
While his achievements in the entertainment world were significant, Hudson Meek’s personal life reflected a young man full of adventure, curiosity, and depth. Described as an avid traveler and lover of the outdoors, Meek embraced challenges and found joy in nature.
“He loved snow-skiing and could easily navigate the hardest trails that no one else in the family would dare attempt,” his obituary read. “One of his favorite places to be was at the lake, tubing and wakeboarding.”
In addition to his adventurous spirit, Meek was remembered for his thoughtful and reflective nature, leaving a lasting impact on everyone fortunate enough to know him. His passing has left an indelible mark on his community and the entertainment world, with tributes pouring in to honor the remarkable legacy he built in his short 16 years.
As investigations into the accident continue, the tragedy serves as a somber reminder of life’s fragility. Hudson Meek’s family, friends, and fans will forever cherish the joy, talent, and warmth he brought to the world.